Unveiling Europe’s most baffling UFO encounters, this documentary explores 20 mysterious sightings from strange lights to unidentified flying objects. With expert analysis and gripping archival footage, the movie dives deep into the theories behind these phenomena—ranging from extraterrestrial life to secret government projects. This supernatural documentary is a must-watch for anyone intrigued by UFO sightings and the mysteries they hide.
2024 American UFO Documentary Supernatural Movie
Director: Alexander Weiss
Alternative Titles:
English – Top 20 UFO Encounters in Europe
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:30 Movie
A documentary that starts out with fake UFO videos is not a good way for any type of credibility to the video. Zero concrete proof also doesn’t help. This ends up being just another video on UFO’s that offers no proof but will also bring interest because the public is also searching for any kind of proof. Sad. We see here examples we have seen in other UFO videos. Nothing new about that. Strange lights in the night skies? Nothing new about that. Good luck staying awake for this one.
American documentaries. Painful in the extreme. Time to bail. Au revoir.