都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
2024年 Bob Lazar and Area 51- UFOs Revisited- (UFOs, ETs and the government)- public 10/ 16
2024年 Bob Lazar and Area 51- UFOs Revisited- (UFOs, ETs and the government)- public 10/ 16
Many have heard of Area 5
2024年 Orb UFO Enters UAP MOTHERSHIP!
2024年 UFO Caught on Camera During Nighttime Sting Operation! | Alien Highway
2024年 Formación OVNI y abducción en Malibú | UFO Witness
2024年 UFO Hoaxes *These Will Leave You Speechless* | The Proof Is Out There
2024年 今日の晩御飯をクレーンゲームで調達する親子 #ufoキャッチャー
2024年 見た目怪しいゲーセンで景品お得に取りまくってやったww【クレーンゲーム/UFOキャッチャー】
The intro to this is awful…talking to the camera with no audio? What’s that all about?
Bob Lazars story totally checks out. I believe him. If all you have is maybe he didn’t have a degree in rocket engineering. …. so what? He builds rockets. Did the scientist who discovered physics have a physics degree? No because they discovered it themselves.
We have people who are just brilliant bright minds who just get the universe in the ways most of us cant see.
Its these types of curious smart people who built everything we know today! And we need more people like the greats, when someone says this is impossible, we need more of the Hold My Beer people.
Science has had this thing going on my whole life where it just seems to be accepted that everything the greats said cant be challenged, and there is nothing else new left to learn. This is the attitude i get from some prominent science communicators.
Also, think about it. UFO reverse engineering would be bigger than the Manhattan project. The people running this UFO project are absolutely DEEP into every college in America, if you had a guy get loose on national TV, discrediting is the first card that is always played, they could have easily made it look like Bob never went to a college, his professors paid off or threatened.
We have a better grip on this stuff today, we learned a lot from Manhattan, and it appears we’ve had a tight lid on it for a long time, but now its outside entities that are showing their faces more and more everyday
24:52 this makes complete sense, i have always imagined there being a black hole looking effect somewhere around the craft if it is indeed manipulating spacetime or gravity. Light will not travel the same as we are used to seeing.
That is so awesome that he mentioned a little tiny dot of black nothingness!
This has to be a major key to figuring this out.
What if element 115 is the fuel to this reaction, and very similar to nuclear power, but with these heavy elements, it creates a chain reaction of heavier and heavier elements that are disrupting gravity instead of exploding like a nuke does.
Basically, you could have a mini black hole that pulls you up somehow .
And really it could be a white hole, a white hole makes more sense to me.
Or its both?
We believe bob ❤
Oh another You tube , Wikipedia weighing in, YouTube Quit mixing the truth with lies
I just noticed something, that now makes sense of why it’s all out in a desert far away from our cities. They had the foresight to think, what if this thing is a bomb that is more powerful than anything we can even comprehend. We should at least try to figure it out in a big empty area so that nobody else is wiped out too.
I was so looking forward to this show I just want to tell you how amazed I am on how your post what channel has been really not doing well and now with this I don’t know what you guys are doing talking bad about him for some reason you’re getting a thumbs down from somebody that’s been watching your show from the beginning and I hope that you don’t continue to have any more of these conversations because it’s negative there’s no positive for us to watch anything so for the future I would suggest not doing any more of these podcasts or whatever the heck you call this
no need for this… just some nobodys commenting about the Bob Lazar story, not entertaining… thumbs down… just another ploy for views
I’ve been following Bob Lazar story for year’s some of these people don’t know anything or they are making stuff up just to discredit him.