Is it possible that the perfectly carved stone boxes–each weighing more than 70 tons–were designed not by humans… but by otherworldly visitors? See more in this scene from Season 20, Episode
都市伝説やオカルト動画まとめ 都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
Is it possible that the perfectly carved stone boxes–each weighing more than 70 tons–were designed not by humans… but by otherworldly visitors? See more in this scene from Season 20, Episode
It’s a hibernation chamber.
Ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahwhahahahhahahwhqhahahahahha what a deep and empty ignorance
Plus minus pi ø nuld tænk på hva det ka lave om på krop men er noget er meget Højer i energien end egypt hihi
Der gik energi igennem de sten kister for lave ens kød krop om til
Lys lightbody soul i er i åndeligt verden i ik vil forstå pga sort magick og h’ers bevidsthed er ramt så i ik vil forstå så i som zombies total zombies blinde døve uforstående og vil ik regne det ud om de så fik det at vide hihi
rejuvenation chambers
The pyramids and sarcophagi are ancient technology that is completely different from ours.
Badically, none of you talking heads have a clue. Zzzzzz
“Ancient Aliens”: Proudly brought to you by Modern Conmen.