3 MILE-WIDE UFO Over Major City! What Is Happening Over Our Planet?! 2024
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Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
On the third video, it seems to not be moving. That’s because the car is going in the opposite direction of the anomaly. If you ride a bike and an airplane is heading towards you, it looks like it’s sitting still.
If you are standing stationary on a beach and have a clear daylight viewing of a stationary UFO hovering over the water, why is it so hard for these folks to hold the camera steady? 5 Minutes of bouncing back and forth, back and forth, is nauseating. The “plasma lightening storm” does not look real, it has to be CGI. Lightening does not behave in that matter where it cascades down like a waterfall. Nor does it endure that long from one jolt to the next.
These camera people totally suck.
I am trying to do my part. I have set up a 24/7 live stream of the sky monitoring for UFO/UAPs. Being live streamed, there is no editing and no way of faking. 100% full transparency is the way forward. We have set up 5 cameras, object tracking, spectrum analyzer and flight radar. Lets get data!
I don’t know how y’all like to brush stuff off
The capital got evacuated last night around 10:30 last night everybody that was important from the White House to the Senate and to the Congress all got evacuated
That was the most infuriating camera work ive ever seen. He cant fvkin hokd still even a little. Aliens should’ve abducted him for that shyt
5:00 | hoe could it possibly be this difficult for someone to hold the fckin camera still. Wow that might be the worst ive seen
That’s not what flanking means
2:30…how do the aliens know where the drunk is with a potato to video them with?!