New UFO Sightings Caught On Camera
From the most UFO sightings in this European nation than anywhere else in the world to many, many UFO sightings we’ve seen throughout the years – plus a curious case where a man’s holding onto an actual piece from a UFO! These are new UFO sightings you have to see to believe:
Les ovnis existent, car en fait c’ est un phénomène non identifié, certains veulent , que se soit des vaisseaux extra-terrestres ! Mais quand savent-t-ils ? La croyance l’ emporte souvent sur l’ observation ! Et parfois on peut douter de ce que l’ on voit, car il peut y avoir de la manipulation mentale de la part de certaines intelligences, et de notre cerveau !
Allumin handel how pure?
Where do I send the picture s
I don’t need convincing. Besides seeing numerous light orbs (a red, a blue and white ones) over the years, I have also seen 2 actual crafts. One, your basic cup and saucer with different colored light rotating or flashing around the rim in an anticlockwise direction. The other a white Tic-Tac one with a horizontal black teardrop marking on its side. Both these crafts were within 50 feet from me and within 30 feet up. A one man helicopter was playing hide and go seek in my back yard with the Tic-Tac one. He was trying to hide from it. Trying to hide beside the shed. I ran in to get my camera (I didn’t have a cell phone back then). When I tried to take pictures the battery was dead so I ran back inside to try and find new batteries. By the time I found and changed them they were both gone. I would have gotten some great photo since it was mid afternoon. 🙁
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