Have you seen the new uap hearing? The U.S. government had another ufo hearing in congress. There is some new information being hidden or suppressed from the public.
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Have you seen the new uap hearing? The U.S. government had another ufo hearing in congress. There is some new information being hidden or suppressed from the public.
It’s a distraction. They want to impose fear into the public by forcing this narrative down your throat.
Fan of haggard and fan of alien so I get the best of both worlds haha. Have you heard of something happening in 2027 ?
Is like bullshit , they are just a distraction from the bigger issue
There’s a TON of orb videos and sightings out there and has been for a while. Actually, years ago I read about random spheres around the world that people found in like jungles and shit and nobody really knows anything about them. My theory now is that they may be old ships or drones.
I feel like the guy in this video is like really good at dancing around the question. I have heard on the JRE podcast that its possible some of these UAPs might, possibly actually from Our military or other countries military… Scary to think about. I think it gets mentioned on the 25 minute JRE and Joey Diaz alien video. Dan Aykroyd is an interesting guy to listen to on the JRE podcast
I once saw something in the sky near Lake Las Vegas and Galleria Drive. Right before Galleria dead ends theres this little park with bathrooms and a rest area. If you walk down the trail few hundred feet if that you will find this bench with Power Lines almost directly above you. Sitting there smoking one night i end up looking up to see if i can spot stars. Low and behold I found a white light up high enough that it was possibly high enough to be beyond the planes, if any in the sky. There are flight paths in the area but what plane goes back and forth for several minutes? It definitely was beyond the powerlines and not below it like a drone or anything iirc. I heard nothing and didn’t get any weird feeling.
it seemed to blend in or be small enough to be a bright white light. about as small as a normal dot from a star. It was moving back and forth of the power line. (power line is straight, dont think it wa windy, the dot was swaying left and right of the power line) not much and fairly slowly. Maybe back and forth a few times in 30 seconds or a minute. Idk if ive really seen anything else that might have been a ufo. Not even in Utah iirc. I have seen some really fast things moving across the sky here in Las Vegas but usually they have blinking lights and are aircraft.
Another time, unrelated completely but I was out in the same area at this separate rest area further down galleria(2 within like 2 miles of the road ending at Lake Las Vegas) I was chilling down near the water smoking behind all the overbrush smoking and all of a sudden I hear a pack of like coyotes or something running and howling on the other side of the water. Freaky as fuck to hear that. What’s wild is there’s bike trails out there people ride on.
Thanks for the content watched the cabin vlog and caught part of the live!!
36.101001382983675, -114.93899253920823 I think this was the spot in question.
Bruh you need to watch through the weaponized podcasts. They were talking about this hearing for months so I don’t think it’s any type of distraction or anything. There’s also a ton of documentaries on tubi you just gotta weed through the low budget tin foil hat ones.
Yup, prepper Onion is definitely back
The P.Diddy Oil Seeker 2 going directly into Uranus