Vinny Vinesauce plays UFO 50 a collection of 50 single and multiplayer games from the creators of Spelunky, Downwell, Air Land & Sea, Skorpulac, Catacomb Kids, and Madhouse. Jump in and explore a variety of genres, from platformers and shoot ‘em ups to puzzle games and RPGs. Our goal is to combine a familiar 8-bit aesthetic with new ideas and modern game design sensibilities.
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Stream date: November 19th
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“Missclicks” Porgy twice at the end
Ah yes, the Melp yearns for the Porg…
The rat always wins.
god this shit is pure calm
I was watching an all-gold-disks speenrun earlier and comparing it to this has reminded me of binty’s video game skill level. no disrespect though he’s still entertaining
part 8!!!!!!
>start game
>that Sprite
Lol no will never watch or play
I got cherry Quibble Race on my second try. Read ‘em and weep, chat.
The secret is betting top and drugging bottom
I also cherried kick club the first time I beat it but it took me over 100 tries to beat the game. The timer and food encourages you to play dangerously……
Vinny “Chrono Trigger” Vinesauce