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Flying Eyes
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Flying Eyes
I’m a professional pilot for Saudia airlines. We do have the same light in the Middle East and we know what they are. are called satellites.
hey @VASAviation – what was the date of this incident?
not as weird as american health insurance…
Jesus is the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the father but by him. No man made religions required. Believe on the son and you WILL be saved. There is no other.
Probably just some trundling space trash reflecting
I know you guys want to believe aliens sre here here, i would like to believe that too but their not. All these lights n blurry images of orbs n saucers are not aliens. Their out there but their not here n we will prob never see them, not in our lifetime
In my personal opinion, unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are obviously not extraterrestrial but are rather caused by a more advanced terrestrial species than that of Homo sapiens. Why are Homo sapiens blind to the fact that they are not the top species on earth? One might ask, if there is a more advanced species on earth why don’t they initiate any meaningful direct contact with us to let us know who they are? I can only answer that question with an illustration that refers to ants because even though they out number humans on earth 2 million to 1 we do in fact coexist with them without giving them much thought unless they invade our kitchens.
There are three men walking down the sidewalk. Suddenly they see a large anthill along the side of the sidewalk. One of the men stops and gets down on his knees to take a closer look at the ants. He says to the other two men, “Look at these intelligent little creatures. I think we should share some of our advanced technology with them.” The other two men would quickly lift him up to his feet saying, “Bob get up! People will think you are crazy. Besides that, you are getting your pants dirty.” Same story, but this time with three teenaged boys walking down the sidewalk. They see the ants. One of the boys says, “Look at those stupid ants!” He starts messing with the anthill (crop circles) and takes out a magnifying glass and focuses the sunlight burning some of the ants (spontaneous combustion). Likewise, I have heard some people ask, “Why would aliens travel thousands of light years to planet earth only to mutilate some cattle on a farm?” The answer is that they would not do that.
However on the other hand, I do think that there was a very serious attempted direct extraterrestrial contact that was misunderstood: “And He said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world” (John 8:29).
I saw one of these bright orbs over London about a year ago, filmed it too. Exactly the same thing other people are seeing
…Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus…
EEELON! Has anyone seen this kid? I wonder what he’s up to this time…