On Friday morning, Pentagon officials held a classified briefing with the House Oversight Committee on Capitol Hill reportedly to discuss the unidentified objects flying over military sites and President-elect Donald Trump’s golf course in central New Jersey.
Nearly every night for the past few weeks, New Jersey residents have spotted mysterious objects flying at night and recorded them on video. Some find the size alarming reporting they’re seeing objects the size of a small car.
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People must be sick and tired the way the secrecy of these “drones” is being handled. If they make a noise bring them down and then you will find out who the culprits are, EASY.
The FBI is envolved, earning their pay. However when Patel takes over the Agency will be weakened as Patel says “When He takes over he will persecute Trump’s list of Political targets who opposed him during Trump’s Presidential campaign.
Patel by bragging and threatening Political opponents of Trump’s disqualifies him from becoming the next director. We will see if the Republican conservatives continue to disregard the 284 years of U.S. Democracy and the U.S. Constitution?
Morris County is known for distinct advantages in aerospace and related industries. These include a deep reservoir of skilled talent and expansive ecosystem of aerospace supplier firms. They have an unmatched capacity to research, create, design, build, and export aerospace related technologies, products, services and processes. Now hire me i’ve done your job with perfection
Why are they calling them drones and not uap?
It was a plane
But why the current drone swarming is discussed together with the UAP phenomena hearings? Is this on purpose to mix and blur the two topics together? Are these mysterious drones flown around on purpose, so that AARO can later say: oh look all UAPs were just drones, no need to investigate them further.