This compelling documentary delves into the shadowy world of crash retrievals and government coverups, exploring the mysterious phenomena of unidentified aerial vehicles and the lengths taken to conceal their existence. Featuring an in-depth interview with Michael Schratt, a leading expert renowned for his meticulous research and insider accounts, the film uncovers declassified reports, whistleblower testimonies, and never-before-seen evidence that challenge our understanding of reality and the hidden history of advanced technology.
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I don’t agree with your premise that using alien tech to replace our existing transportation, energy, propulsion would end those industries, and that’s why it isn’t used. If that were true, then the jet airplane would never have caught hold because it would obsolete rail travel. And the internal combustion engine and automobile would never become mainstream because they would threaten the horse carriage and wagon wheel industry. And computers would be a nonstarter because they would take jobs from secretaries, file clerks, statisticians and the like. Superior technology always wins out. Sometimes it is delayed by labor unions and politics, but in the end it always gets adopted.
The idea that a person with the right security clearance could take a new-hire with no clearance to show her an alien body – Ridiculous and Unbelievable. There would be so many obstacles from the party to the alien body, no way would every gatekeeping guard allow her to pass just because the person with her has rank and clearance. There’s no kind of threat or intimidation that anyone could use to get past a military security guard because the regulations and rules are so well-understood and clear. This story sounds like a total lie, but it was believed because it was told to someone without basic military training.
The drawings are based from the description AND your biases. You made them look very aggressive. That’s on you.
This was a great watch. Very in depth analysis! Well done!
Why 5foot 10″ description? Why not 6′? Funny
Oh my the single photographic evidence was lost in a flood. Our government is shooting down scout ships of aliens 100 years in advance of us. Beam me up Scotty. This guy was comical but entertaining, kinda, sorta, not really.
@vettedpodcast have you see this video? What do you think about it?