Ben Leo investigates the mysterious lights spotted over New Jersey, sparking debate about advanced drone swarm technology, classified military tests, and even foreign threats like whether they came from an ‘Iranian Mothership’. With the Pentagon questioned over these sightings and experts like David Marler weighing in, could this phenomenon signal a new era in aerial warfare, or something even more extraordinary?
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With little answers, what do you think is REALLY happening?
Antichrist coming to USA
There are drones with APU’s on them for extended flight time. Then there are orbs that are not related and are all over the world. China, Iran, US and probably more. Iran was shooting at the orbs. They can’t be hit with aircraft shrapnel. They move out of the way.
Iran launched a mothership! And more tall tales for you soon, courtesy of our seriously deranged government. I can now imagine what Rome must have looked like right before their fall.
only in america lol, look bigfoot has the controller.
I smell bullshit
The fact they are coming out off the ocean and going into the ocean, they’re not drones.
I think it’s drug gangs brining stuff in. Not happening in the UK or Europe so its aime d at the US. Drug gangs, Russia, China ,Iran.