Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! With the last few weeks being a wild time for those living in New Jersey as alleged drones seem to be flying everywhere, I wanted to get to the truth of what’s actually happening. Thanks for watching!
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You have a wife???!
60% chance its military. 20% its corpo door to door delivery tests. 20% its idiots with drones looking for drones.
Imo, there is next to zero chance it is foreign adversary, they would fly high up or blacked out. The chance of it being aliens is slim, but higher.
I live in Europe, and we have traffic monitoring drones. They are used for stuff like checking traffic flow in order to adjust lightsignals, or monitoring a strip of road prone to jams, in order to spot whats going on.
Imo the only option where the drones would be of an adversary is that they’re so advanced that they’re basically showing off in a “fuck you” psyop way and they want to be seen – hence the lights. But I think the drones are 100% US military or private contractor with top approval.
moral of the story
never wear that medallion
I am not going to listen to this kaka meeni story . Bye
The search for Bigfoot now includes drones. Nice
i’m sure you’ve heard this already but google Ptero Dynamics. i think we’ve found our man so to speak.
It’s AI delivery drones gone wild