Jasko investigates the New Jersey “drone” craze that is driving everyone into a state of mass panic. This isnt a conspiracy, this is as REAL as it gets. I will be doing a deep dive into everything surrounding the New Jersey “drones” UAP/UFOs. From the UFO Crash sites, to possible Govt Cover-Ups, to FBI Warnings and more… What do you think is going on? A cover up? Govt’ secrets? Aliens? let me know.
My second channel @JaskoVlogs
#drone #newjersey #ufo #uap
What do YOU think is really going on? Cover-up? Project Blue Beam? Govt secrets? Let me know!
Já chegaram no Rio de Janeiro.
Romanian too …. Some light flight around black sea….. Constanta port
Its hard to say honestly, iam in downeast maine on the coast and have seen the biggish drone that looks like a boomerang, one with a red light spinning around it on an axis. And had 50 or so white orbs come from the same direction and the last three grouped together and spread out into one big triangle. I think someone is trying to map the country
What do y’all think about the drones being fueled by the ocean water maybe?
Those things are UFOs!!!
Can you please stop saying drones please. This word has been planted into your heads by media and it is wrong.
I saw that here up north in Saskatchewan. I guess that thing is everywhere.
Someone unleashed the Starfurys!