The best new of the New Jersey Drones / UAPs / UFOs. Today we take a look at new UFO, Drone, and UAP footage & sightings from New Jersey and now many different states such as Ohio. I only include the best, clearest, and strangest new & exclusive videos of these New Jersey Drones. Long story short, mysterious large drones / UAPs have been flying around continuously for almost a month now throughout New Jersey and the whole upper north east region of the U.S. And the strange thing is, nobody at all knows what these things are. Could it be aliens and UFOs or top secret government technology? They come in all shapes and sizes, from strange orbs, to blinking colorful lights, to airplane type crafts, to strange star like crafts. What do you think they could be? Sit back and relax and find out today in this Maximum Fear compilation.
The Strangest UAP Footage from New Jersey *THEY’RE UFOS NOT DRONES*
New Jersey Drone Footage / New Jersey UAP Footage
2nd Channel: @MoreMaximumFear
NEW BIGFOOT Maximum Fear Merchandise:
~ Maximum Fear 🙂
Which clip did you find the scariest?
Red, green are military.
Hello, I notice you ware a cross on your left ear. Wondering if it’s just for looks? Reason I ask is we are seeing Demonic manifestations , signs and wonders in the last days. They should be called out for what they are by all true believers. Followers of Jesus no what’s going on in these final hours right before the end of the Church age. It’s the unsaved that don’t know. These are the many on the wide road to destruction think their Aliens from other planets. There are two sides to the UFO topic good and evil. In 2006, I was shown the same open vision Ezekiel had. If the world saw this living UFO that functioned like a huge fat bearing. Rainbow flashing windows they with no God was real aliens a deception. In 2008, God shared one UFO the world is seeing. Satan and the falling Angels/Demons. Revelation chapter nine, the fifth trumpet judgment. The coming invasion of the Locusts/Falling Angels/Demons. Saran and the fallen ones trying to take the human races eyes off the truth of creation and believing in evolution. Deceiving the human race into thinking life on other planets when Jesus stated their will be a new Heavens and earth.
That White “UFO” with the landing legs er whatever, obviously Modeled in cheap Software and imported into Adobe After Effects …lol…
I say Operation Blue Beam, combined with advanced technology, aided by fallen angels, if not fallen angels themselves, to lead people away from Christ. Be vigilant good souls. Christ said that in the last days a deception would come which will deceive even the elect, if that were possible. And here we are.
And guy, you absolutely need to watch the original 3 Star Wars flicks. Immediately.
You can skip the rest. They’re shid….
last night it was 12:00 and i heard something soooooo loud and when i looked out my window there was one that could have hit my roof
I almost fainted?
Some of these don’t look like cheap/consumer drones. But they do all look like drones. They have LED lights – so we can see them. Otherwise no point! If they were nefarious in anyway, they would not be lit up like Xmas trees. And they would be busy doing their nefarious missions. Yet, they just float about, chilling. Absolute DaddycowDung that the real circus masters are not controlling this. And funding it with YOUR taxes. Wake up America. The world is laughing at you (again).
Folks don’t fall for this this is a government operation designed to pass more laws to take more of our freedoms away mark my words are gonna come out and say we need to pass some new laws to allow more surveillance or new equipment to be used to monitor the skies.They know exactly what’s in our skies as a pilot. I know the national airspace system. It’s all covered with radar. We don’t need any new additional technologies. Especially that will cost our freedom.