禁足地をGoogleマップで見たらとんでもないものが写ってました… ▼『皆祝祭2024-2025 -ゆく年くる年予言の年-』 チケット一般先着発売中! 東京公演:2024年12月20日(金) → ▼特殊な周波数を込めた「音でお守り」 癒しと集中をテーマにした音楽がダウンロードできるダウンロードカードです。 ご購入はこちらから! → 詳しくはこちらの動画をご覧ください。 → ▼『シンジラ […]
✅Videos we recommend: New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew doubled down on his claim that the mysterious drones are coming from an Iranian mothership off the East Coast and he slammed Pentagon officia […]
#꼬꼬무 #꼬꼬무요약 #UFO #미확인비행물체 #외계인 하늘을 나는 기술이 존재하지 않았던 조선시대에 UFO에 대한 기록이 적혀져있다? 여전히 괴짜 취급을 받는 UFO 신봉자들 그러나 동시간대에 비행물체를 목격한 사람이 여러 명이고 그들의 증언이 모두 일치했다면? 영상에 찍힌 UFO의 속도는 초속 4.0km로 지하철 한 구간을 1초 만에 가는 속도! 순간 […]
Pilots have been reporting mysterious UFO sightings in Oregon. NBC News’ Gadi Schwartz speaks to the co-founder of Americans for Safe Aerospace Ryan Graves about the sightings and how pilots are […]
BREAKING. LIVE. Mystery Drones spotted all over New Jersey, Pennsylvania & New York. Spotted at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, Military Bases, Parks, Towns, Communities. People demand An […]
Unexplained aircraft sightings over New Jersey have sparked concern and speculation among residents and lawmakers. FOX 5’s Teresa Priolo has the story. Subscribe to FOX 5 NY:
I am truly sorry. This is the 6th update from the original video here: -FULL PLAYLIST:
#uap #caspersight #newjersey Here is the up to date news on the Drones flying over New Jersey. What are they and what do they want and more importantly what are they doing? Also more video footage of […]
BREAKING NEWS! USO Mothership Releasing UFO’s Over Our World! “Battle for Disclosure”. Watch Now. Link below: Become a Member! Share Your Incredible Videos To the World! Upload your Video To You […]
▼一番まとまってる再生リスト 【やりすぎ都市伝説SP2016年/秋】 00:00 25年周期で巡る奇跡 02:00 スティーブ・ジョブズが最期に遺し