Ross Coulthart is joined by retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet and former Defense Department official Marik von Rennenkampff to break down explosive new video showing the recovery of an “egg-shaped” UAP and whistleblower and military veteran Jake Barber’s new revelations that he was part of a secret UAP recovery program.
Gallaudet and von Rennenkampff share why they are inclined to believe Barber’s claims and what the U.S. government might do next, especially once President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Dr. Jim Segala, Ph.D. Dr. Segala also corroborates some of Barber’s claims that he sustained injuries while serving as part of the UAP recovery program.
#UAP #whistleblower #RealityCheck
Reality Check description information:
Host: Ross Coulthart
Executive Producer: Andy Gipson
Editorial Producer: Meagan Ourada
Editors: Allen Keefner, Anthony Diasio and John Nock
On “Reality Check,” NewsNation Special Correspondent Ross Coulthart takes a fact-based approach to tackle everything from unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) to mysteries often missing from the headlines.
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We’re back to mono sound y’all
A question to my American friends if i may , could a very high supreme court judge order these people to reveal what they know/hold ?
Why can’t I see the comments now?
Make it mandatory that every member of Congress attend an outing where scionics call craft to appear…hard for them to deny what they would see with their own eyes. ??
I wonder if Senator Mike Rogers is being blackmailed. Or paid off? Apparently had enough money to win a Senate seat against all odds.
Audio in left ear only?
You have been groomed to accept UFO’s,UAP’s, little grey men, tall skinny grey men & now the public is being groomed to accept being possessed. Reminds me of something we have been warned about.
I once saw a spaceship in the sky, loking like a bird with spread wings. It landed in a farm, and when it opened the hatch, a space Hen came out. It went directly to the rooster, who mated with it on the spot! A few clucks later the space hen began laying small white eggs…space eggs! And they began hatching and small space chickens came out and they all went into the spaceship, and it flew away. Amazing!
Bad and powerful people collaborating with demons… deceiving and being deceived.
Get right with God now! There is only one WAY to the Father.
Why is the audio mono and hard panned?