Navy pilots are speaking out, sharing their experiences with UFO sightings. After years of highly publicized news stories and Congressional investigations, pilots discuss the stigma they still feel around talking about their experiences.
📺 Watch the full documentary, “What Are UFOs?”:
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Good news. They are here and they aren’t attacking us because their civilizations are beyond ours. May be we are their version of National Geographic.
Blah blah blah show me a body show me a craft show me a piece of a craft made of something strange show me a video of interviewing a LGM. Blurry videos are squarely plunked down in Bigfoot territory . The Navy doesnt have better cameras???
If I were you Nova I’d switch to sativa
Thank you
Watching that man cry on the segment last night is exactly how I felt when The Phoenix Light UFO flew right over my head in 1997. I was on a hill, the craft was low. I could clearly see the bottom of the craft with the light of my headlights and a nearby street light. Just after the craft flew over my head it was followed by a colorful mist. At that point I felt like something clicked in my head and I began crying until the craft was out of sight.
Ever since then I’ve become a better person, give the other guy a break more, happier, my friends and coworkers all notice the change. I sit in my house smiling for no reason, I let people cut in line, I’ve not honked my horn once in 28 years years when prior to this experience I did have some road rage.
What that man described is exactly how my life has changed, for the better 24 hours a day for over a quarter of a century. Most every time I speak of my sighting I cry still, happy tears, joy, gratitude. I still catch myself speaking out loud ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’ to whoever it was inside that craft that night.
I would love to get to share my life changing personality change of patience, love, gratitude, joy with that man. I am so grateful they included that in the segment. Of all the other witnesses to The Phoenix Lights I’ve spoken to none had the profound feeling of gratitude and love that I felt and it’s still a constant feeling 24/7 all these years. It’s like my DNA changed in a second.
Here is my clip from UFO WITNESS. The indentations at the bottom of the craft are wrong. When the actor playing me turns orange that’s about the color I did turn, and the ground, from the orange dripping lava flowing down, stopping and returning back into the craft.
PBS, chasing the white rabbit…
They are all drones and made in USA and its wonderful allies. ❤ have no fear people just keep it real and be smart about it. Nothing to see here. Nothing to worry about it’s all military.
It’s all a hoax to make us believe in aliens so they can fake contact, invasion and establish a new world order
It’s all about prepping the public
“I saw bigfoot once. Made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.”
What’s next Nova? Loch Ness monster?
Idiocracy is upon us!