Found in cuneiform writings, the Anunnaki are often seen as mythological gods. Could they represent something more?
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Found in cuneiform writings, the Anunnaki are often seen as mythological gods. Could they represent something more?
Yaratan Benim.’i okuyun.
Who has the right to say what is myth and what is fact. Just because you have a degree in something doesn’t mean you are right or have any say in what the rest of us are supposed to believe. I find it hard to believe that people from that time sat around wasting time and resources to fabricate a bunch of fantasy stories because they had nothing better to do with their time. What is more likely is they were recording accounts of things they had witnessed with the only words they had available at their time in history. Anyone with a degree in this field should see that a mile away and quit going along with the bullshit they keep trying to force on you. I find it harder to believe what they are teaching versus what I read from first hand accounts.
Имея такие технологии, было проще создать машины роботы. Все остальные разговоры в пользу бедных. Запугать и властвовать.
O tanrılar neden ölmüş tanrı ölürüm.
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