People in President Trump’s orbit are interested in getting to the bottom of reports that the federal government has recovered UFO technology. The administration may even be inclined to release some information publicly, NewsNation special correspondent Ross Coulthart tells “NewsNation Prime.”
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Question: If Trump does announce that we’re not alone, do we imagine for 1 minute that he’d use that news as anything other than an excuse to funnel more money into defence and potentially Elon Musk. If this news is released, it won’t be released with a sense of good will towards his nation or the world, his administration will use it as an excuse to gain more personal power by making people panic.
Wait till the big ships arrive….
If they go that fast under water, I would think that there would be a lot of fish floating on the surface .
…anyone care to think that Donald Trump revealed BUPKISS last time he was in office and now that he is in office again, he still didn’t rush to say anything?
Obviously, we have people in the Pentagon who supersede a President. And the wait just drags on.
It would kill a lot of animals under the sea if it went that fast?
Trump is saying anything to everyone to get more exposure and following. He’s a Christian to the Christians and a UFOlogist to the uap community. The guy is an absolute charlatan and people lap it up.
All the drones lead back too Antarctica
i dont know what to believe im like stuck in the middle with all this. its crazy cause i want this to be real
It is about 60 years America tries to build this machine but did not succeed. No country except one country has this technology and this is not America.