This Full Podcast (Luis Elizondo – Ep. 273) –
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– Hosted & Produced by Julian D. Dorey
– Intro, Episode, Thumbnail & Clip Edited by Alessi Allaman:
Julian Dorey Podcast Episode 273 – Luis Elizondo
This man is A FRAUD WHO NEVER WORKED FOR THE PENTAGONS AATIP PROGRAM! HIS STORY AND CLAIMS ARE FULL OF HOLES. The NY Post did a great piece called “UFO Deception”, that details all of these facts.
For anyone that thinks Lou is some psyop agent, my question is for what reason and what’s the goal?
Just tell us the whole dam story, same shit for 5 years
Pure psy-op and support for the cover-up!
Any tech in the air is going to eventually fall to the earth someplace you don’t want it to. So I don’t understand how we could have all this secret stuff for this long without someone knowing.
Elizondo is an oblivious disinformation agent. He signed an NDA, and he put trust in everything and everyone he worked with within the Government. He gets mixed up with both true and false information, and he can’t tell the difference.
Look at the mothership UAP photo that he presented and it was successfully debunked by the public a couple of days later. He said that photo was given to him by a person he trusted within the Government. And before he could present that photo and his analysis, he had to get approval from DOPSR. Everything in his Imminent book had to be approved by DOPSR. He could have written in that book that Big Foot is alive and living in someone’s basement in Idaho. End of the day, anyone who has signed a lifetime NDA with the Government and/or has to get approval from DOPSR aka the Government, is putting US National Security first even if it’s a twist of the truth mixed with a lie.
He and his cronies are trying to intellectually capture ‘looterral minded, black & white outlook believers’ who are high up in stem world.
They farm them for corroboration.
#David Grusch
#Gary Nolan.
Elizondo makes my skin crrawl.
Full. Of. Shit.
Memories created under hypnosis are indistinguishable from actual memories which is why U.S. courts require very specific methodologies be used for any information divulged while under hypnosis to be admissible in court.
In the late 1980s and 1990s, the question of the admissibility, vel non, of hypnotically refreshed or enhanced testimony went into a state of “flux,” largely caused by cases involving uncorroborated allegations of child sexual abuse following “regressive therapy” or other forms of hypnosis-related therapy to bring out “repressed” memories of childhood incidents. This series of cases saw many convictions later reversed on appeal based upon a rethinking of the admissibility issue, and eventually resulted in the adoption in the Federal courts of a “case-by-case approach” in which the court has “discretion to balance all of the factors to determine the reliability of the evidence and the probative versus prejudicial effect of the testimony.” Borawick v. Shay, 68 F.3d 597, 305 (2d Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 116 S.Ct. 1869 (1996). In the Second Circuit’s lengthy analysis of the admissibility case law leading up to Borawick, the court noted that sometimes the safeguards that may be required by the trial court, supra, may not be enough to ensure the reliability of the testimony, and the defense “may still be able to demonstrate by expert testimony that a witness'[s] memory has been irreparably distorted by hypnosis.” 68 F.3d at 606, citing McQueen v. Garrison, 818 F.2d 951, 958 (4th Cir.), cert. denied, 484 U.S. 944 (1987). The Second Circuit concluded that the district court was correct in issuing a pre-trial in limine order that barred the admissibility of the plaintiff’s hypnotically refreshed memories – revealed during “regression therapy” – of her aunt’s alleged child abuse from over 20 years earlier. 68 F.3d at 609. While the court had indicated that hypnosis conducted as part of therapy might be more inherently reliable than refreshing a witness’s memory under the pressure of a criminal investigation, still, the plaintiff’s “far-fetched, uncorroborated accusation” against a number of people, which included “fanciful” allegations of ritual rape and abuse – without strong corroboration – weighed against admissibility. Id.