Professor Avi Loeb is a theoretical physicist whose areas of professional interest include cosmology and astrophysics. His new book, “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth”, proposes that ‘Oumuamua, the interstellar object that passed through our solar system in 20
Life has to be abundant in the universe including intelligent life, we are being watched have for 1000s of year’s cameras today are not fast enough ,look around millions of life forms on earth alone
I love how they state how mars used to be when they don’t even know how earth used to be. Wind from the sun in vacuum….pfft. they lie they lie they lie.
maybe Trump is a Ferengi? It would explain so much
Guy is a joke
Where does one think all that new military technology being studied at Area 51 comes from? I have see in my short lifetime a world of vacuum tubes changed to transistors and shrunk down to complete computers the size of a thumb with rumors of operating anti gravity machines developed with the help of a higher intelligent source we call alien or friendly space visitors with more ongoing developments with the AI concept that would have been science fiction not to long Ago.
Im a allien and u have no idea whats coming u humans race has no chance u humans call us alliens but our real name is ___ soon and soon need stop trying look for us u wouldn’t even understand capable to understand to find out is why u havent u dont got the power of the universe stay in your ball we already discover over 1 million planet’s