The House Oversight Committee has created a bipartisan task force on the declassification of federal secrets, including the John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations, UFOs, the Epstein list, 9/
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The House Oversight Committee has created a bipartisan task force on the declassification of federal secrets, including the John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations, UFOs, the Epstein list, 9/
This is only possible because Trump has established that the USG has been a corrupt mess of malfeasance. Now it’s possible to ask these questions without being painted as a nutcase.
Found thousand of new documents is part of the cover our butts routine that we will see going forward. Suddenly things are found in a box somewhere
it was j edgar hoover
I think unless they were clueless, Biden and Harris should have came out with this and could have won the election. Now the dems are left way behind.
No task force is needed. Just post everything you find on the assassinations, UFOs, waste, fraud, and corruption on the internet.
They already burned that information.
Key words that i did not hear were “subpoena power”
So get started and out the UFO information it’s getting so old and so tiring dealing with the fact only “SOME” little people want it to be secret so bad so they can manipulate. Times ending
This makes Senator Luna a genius and brave.
UFO’s unreal
she’s already waisting our time