Tim Burchett was on CNN and on the show he called for full transparency from the govenment and says the time is now for UFO disclosure.
#ufo #uap #ufonews #uapnews #congress #news #nhi #disclosure #alien #aliens
VIIA: If you’re 21+
都市伝説やオカルト動画まとめ 都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
Tim Burchett was on CNN and on the show he called for full transparency from the govenment and says the time is now for UFO disclosure.
#ufo #uap #ufonews #uapnews #congress #news #nhi #disclosure #alien #aliens
VIIA: If you’re 21+
I would like to hear the idea explored as to whether or not Trump genuinely is able to solely make the decision of disclosure. And past presidents, for that matter. I guess to elaborate if he wakes up one morning and tells his close advisors, he’s going to go on national television and give disclosure, how much verbal, tactical, psychological, and possibly even physical resistance would he possibly be met with? Since I started following this again over about the last year, I’ve been feeling strongly that the effects of the civil unrest that could unfold are being underestimated, if not completely overlooked..
Burchett cannot be trusted. IT is just smoke and mirrors to keep you from seeing the FASCIST take over that Trump and Elon are doing. Burchett is a slick operator who is all about Christian Nationalism and POWER. Don’t let is act fool you. He is just using you to keep the smoke and mirrors going.
There’s literally nothing to disclose, unless it is to expose the complete fraud of UFOs/UAPs and aliens and all the other wicked tricks and the “factions” that are pushing it. The tricksters and their plans for the world sure do need exposure, so if it’s not that, then more tricks it is. One thing for certain is it will not fly, not now, not ever — so who would dare try it? I can’t wait to find out!
It’s a shame that Tim is so far up Trumps big orange ass that Trump can feel Tims balls slapping against thighs.
There’s no intelligent life at CNN!
Sorry, but the aliens are too far away from us. There is ZERO PROOF.
Civilians have been remote viewing tons of stuff since pre 2000s.
So alien Disclosure is likely only for the”normies”.
Likely we will have the bare minimum Disclosure so the “normies” think that is it while the rest of 80% will stay behind the curtains as usual.
Tim represents my district and most folks here love the guy. True, straightforward East Tennessean