An Egg Shaped UFO JUST Crashed In Russia!
A shocking report has emerged from Russia, where an extraordinary egg-shaped UFO has allegedly crashed, leaving many to wonder if this is finally proof of the existence of alien life. The bizarre incident has sparked widespread interest, with many drawing parallels to the infamous New Jersey UFO sightings. In this video, we’ll delve into the details of this extraordinary event and explore the implications of this anomaly. From ancient UFO videos to modern-day UAP hearings, we’ll examine the evidence and separate fact from fiction. Join us as we react to this extraordinary news and explore the possibilities of interstellar life. Is this the moment that changes everything?
I provide full commentary and my commentary is opinion not proven facts, feel free to share your thoughts and theories in the comments!
This is not just a growing phenomena but something you can capture yourself! I’m still blown away by my first experience!
#uap #aliens #alien #uap #paranormal #scary #reaction #ufo #anitta
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Peace, Love, and Light
And you believe it
Когда они перестанут скрывать это мы окажемся в большой опасности.. они сделают перезагрузку нашего мира.. истребят нас.. это же логично что мы это их личный зоопарк.
When these eggs start hatching the space babies will be hungry.
Can we a Russian translator to see what he said?
That’s the alien gatcha system. Whoever opens it gets a chance for a jump in technology.
Now days it’s difficult to believe any video you see. There are so many fakes out there, plus video technology has made it easy for a novice to create a fake video. No matter the case I did see a light orb one day back in 2008 while fishing at night near Moab, Utah. As I fished I occasionally looked to the sky because it was full of stars and beautiful. My eye caught a “star” but it seemed to quickly bounce up and down. Of course, stars don’t do that so I figured I was just getting tired and kept casting close to the shore for a bass. Periodically I would look back to the same spot and I saw the light orb bounce up and down again. That’s twice! So I focused my attention on the “star” and picked a nearby star for reference because I knew I was not hallucinating. I casted my fishing line a couple of more times then looked back up at the “star” and this time I realized that it’s relationship in distance from the actual star did not change. Cast again, real in, and then I looked up again and saw the same “star” bounce up and then drop but then it kept dropping. I realized it wasn’t a star and a figment of my imagination. The orb continued to drop behind a slickrock rim and I about crapped my pants.
It’s Mork from Ork nahnu nahnu shozbot
Person said: I was walking in the woods and found this round thing. I don’t understand if this is a mushroom or a UFO.
After knocking with stick he said: Feels like a tank with gas.
Nano nano
You dumb clowns