This Alleged Massive UFO Could Change EVERYTHING!
Join the conversation as we dive into the astonishing alleged massive UFO sighting that has left the world stunned! This extraordinary footage could change everything we thought we knew about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). From the eerie to the unexplainable, this UFO video has sparked intense debate and speculation among UFO enthusiasts, skeptics, and the general public alike. Get ready for a thrilling ride as we dissect the facts, explore the anomalies, and examine the implications of this extraordinary sighting. Whether you’re a seasoned UFO hunter or just curious about the unknown, this video is sure to leave you on the edge of your seat. So, buckle up and join the quest for truth as we venture into the fascinating realm of UFO sightings, alien encounters, and interstellar mysteries!
I provide full commentary and my commentary is opinion not proven facts, feel free to share your thoughts and theories in the comments!
This is not just a growing phenomena but something you can capture yourself! I’m still blown away by my first experience!
#uap #aliens #alien #uap #paranormal #scary #reaction #ufo #anitta
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Peace, Love, and Light
I think because it has such a weird look to it, not a traditional UAP appearance, it may not be fake, but what is it? It needs to be analyzed. It could be something ordinary, just at a weird angle with lots of fog, like a bridge or something. Cool video though.
So you want reel footage or not moogle and real facts here I come here I go
So fake,bad acting. “Oh wow that’s weird”
Any sane person would be losing their mind
Fake as hell! People would be freaking out and calling their mama!
Come on, please don’t waste our time with bs like the last one. And please don’t use music. Worst thing to do, even after showing crappy cgi stuff.
That’s fake
Listen the American military complex thoes Caucasians working with other beings hid the great Nibiru and the Crystal city to some degree from the public period you think that’s huge you ain’t seen absolutely nothing yet my newbie friend hahaha hahaha your on the level of uuum grammar school uuum 5th grade etc but that’s good thoe but that old video Maan that’s just 1 of hundreds and hundreds of old videos hahaha hahaha they are your proof but still we have a loong fight ahead of us the Crystal city images are now being talked about on YouTube but I know the real ordeal about that people just now saying wtf is that hahaha the Vatican got involved as well asking could this be heaven hahaha sooo how can people say aw that too was faked simply because it’s shown only in a non respected magazine hahaha hahaha that’s the whole part of the game make the real truth a circus just like the Extraterrestrial matter in Peru then the Vegas incident and the Miami incident hahaha hahaha yeah it’s all fake huh that’s all right times coming up and all those who were abducted back over several decades ago into the 90s etc like me and those creditable book writers like Zachariah Sitchin etc even NASA head director shook hands with him agreeing that a planet is heading towards earth unhuh I remember it all talking about Nibiru and it’s Crystal city and but the Caucasians military complex already knew about the pro creators Elohim gods judges and angels since the very early 1900s they already knew about the inner world inside earth and lots more but naaah it’s all fake ❤
I think the voices are real. But they took the audio and put it over the visual video, which could be artificial
That huge craft maybe taking someone or several people they’re rapture different beings have children here too that’s what all the rapture is about the star seeds in the Bible is the Annunaki Angelic ones John the revilator was about and others they too want they’re children the 144k chosen few as mentioned in revelation cause also the reptilian Annunaki prince Heylal shall be taken back to well enough of all that too much knowledge may mess up the head hahaha hahaha