Jeremy Corbell (investigative filmmaker and podcast co-host, “Weaponized” ) joins Chris Cuomo to discuss the Trump administration’s handling of unauthorized drone incursions over U.S. military bases and the broader secrecy surrounding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). Corbell reveals how, despite Trump’s promises to expose government cover-ups, his administration maintained the same lack of transparency as those before him. Cuomo and Corbell unpack the mystery of the drone incidents, the failures to provide public answers, and why institutional secrecy around UAPs continues to thrive—regardless of who’s in office.
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It’s never
Jeremy the grifter
Our great grandfather would never stand for this bullshit. They were real men. They would’ve been marching on the White House lawn and tearing those people apart, getting to the truth and taking their government back and I’m ready to take a stand
It could be because we have more pressing issues, than UFO B.S…..Just saying.
All is Consciousness. These Beings are aware of the humans level prior to engaging with a human. Limited and fear based perspectives will never make “contact”.
The US government would not fly “drones” over multiple bases on their own soil. Ridiculous. These are not foreign government drones neither. That kind of leaves out other major possibilities or options!
Gotta be kidding me with all these fkn sponosors. Tf am i paying for youtube then??? Bunch of greedy fks. Can we block youtube channels???
How did anybody let your lieing corrupt ass in front of a camera . You are sick in the head right along with that thing you call a brother.
I’m with Jeremy how can I help?
Great show guy
By the way, look up the payments from USAID to the journalist who reported on Grusch’s past. Seems a lot of people missed this. USAID is where a lot of the money comes from.