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what if what if, never trust someone who says they know everything about the ufo situation and Dr Greer is one of those.
Theres no such thing as macro evolution only genetic variation and adaptability. Darwinism was a concept cooked up by Luciferian occult secret society demon spirit worshippers in the 1700s in Europe. It is a plan of satan to bring about denial of heaven and earth, hell and satan and a Creator. All this stuff is and they admit this in their history… the same as The industrial revolution was part of this plan and the plan to to have pseudoscience take over humanity and offer an alternative to religion and belief in God. So these “aliens” (demons possessing CBEs or cloned biological entities) can be worshipped by these atheist non believers who only believe in science. Because quantum physicists and geneticists are proving daily all our currently taught science about this stuff is complete b.s. and proving theology and other dimensions and how humans and animals have come thru history and how genetics works and cant create higher informational DNA to create more complex beings out of nothing more than green ooze. We aint ninja turtles. Reality doesn’t work that way. You need a creator building and providing this genetic information period. The same way the building blocks of a computer like graphene, silicon, plastics, metal alloys and precious metals cant create a computer out of nothing but base elements if you throw it in a box for millions of years neither will complex life from from the building blocks of life and humans are much much more complex than a computer and so is DNA of any creature. It’s IMPOSSIBLE, PERIOD.
Anyway so here we are and people believe in obvious lies and b.s. concocted by man and the devil himself. It’s much harder to believe complex life came from nothing than intentional creation from an omnipotent, omniscient, omniprescent Creator with knowledge of law and order and mathematics of the things that make up a functioning universe.
So here we are, this lying fool who can tell you really anything for “reasons” beause they are pushing this lie they are a part of or maybe he really just doesn’t know. But he knows something. Everyone really just doesn’t care anymore about these people and their gobbledgook. Tired of these deep staters who live above the law who are grifters and crooks. People could be shown real compelling evidence and unless its happening infront of their face half of people would think it was fake and a.i. or if they believed they’d forget the next day or next hour watching cat videos. No body cares about this stuff anymore to the point it matters. These crooks like Greer and “Zando” just dont matter anymore.
When you learn the truth and whats going to happen because of it most or all this trash no longer matters.
But whatever. I’ve heard all this sort of stuff before. The great deception is here and unfolding as we speak. The Anti-christ and NWO is coming and the one world religion that will be worshipping these fallen angels and demons and the man here is allll part of it. Its his job to misdirect. He’s absolutely part of the same group of evildoers misdirecting humanity and zando and him go to the same Luciferian Occult church services and meetings. They’re all demon worshippers. Full of crap. Completely. Thats where all this tech has come from are these demon spirits deceiving some and working for others as a means to an end to build all this crap so they can physically come upon the earth and directly interact with humanity in a very real and tangible way… aka, The Apocalypse. Anyway. *YAWN*… and this is what the deep state government knows involved in this 100%. They know exactly whats going on and why the DIA and Dept of the Navy branches exist. That are ran by the global rich elite who worship and utilize and sacrifice to the same demonic spirits and run the financial thieving and show and give orders to those in government. Why you think these lying globalist crooks in congress and the senate and the former presidents go in poor and come out multi millionaires? Cuz of all these demon worshipping luciferians they answer to and work for… why do you think all these people “left and right” hate Trump? Because he doesnt need their money or to answer to these globalist eugenicist anti-humanists… they cant control Trump. There is no left or right only Good vs Evil. Thats why they hate people like Trump, Musk, Jones, Carlson, etc…
I think i recognize this Danny guy from another Channel where he was the camera man. Ended badly because of greed. Coincidence i think not.
You want to know how this is all made up?
No one is using this technology to surpass America. No one is boasting that they took secret alien tech. Come on. These people live in a fantasy world.
Who is the name that Danny asked if Greer knew who causes shadow bans? Is it Gr ant Came ron?
This guy. I really wanted to believe him. Each year he becomes increasingly uncredible. At this point it seems ive been following a delusional individual , caught up in self importance