Government officials gather a group of scientists to investigate a mysterious UFO crash. See more in this clip from Season 2
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Government officials gather a group of scientists to investigate a mysterious UFO crash. See more in this clip from Season 2
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Same content for 15 years, just a different title
It seems a tad bit far fetched when you hear or read of alleged alien cooperation here on earth. One of the first questions that springs to mind for me is a basic one….if there was an alien here at that time offering technical advice on reverse engineering and so fourth, at some point across that time this alien would have required some sort of food, what did they feed it in order to keep it alive and healthy so as to continue to assist ?
Same crape another day! You shows this before
Ancient astraunaut theorists always say yes
They just gotta make it official about aliens so far we’re only seeing all this vids
Aliens only live Alaska and Area 51. why? don’t know… cause they don’t trust communists. give the notes to Truman. Truman adopts the alien laws. sure it worked…. now, china is building more robots and military advancements. Saudi builds neom line…. what can aliens give us?
And why would an alien share advance technology with us.
Fiction. There are “stories” but no documents. And these “experts” are all authors.
minute 1:36 “Area 51 is a TOP SECRET MILITARY INSTALLATION” That the entire world knows about! LOL