都市伝説やオカルト動画まとめ 都市伝説やオカルト 動画まとめ
Watch the full interview now as a VladTV Youtube Member –
Part 5: Part
Greer knows Lue is a double agent because they use to share the same lawyer.
At this point this is what a mental patient talks like
All Steven’s ‘close friends’ tell him the truth and everyone else’s close friends are full of BS ! Good grief does Steven ever watch any of these back ?
So my question to Mr Greer is, why would humans disfigure horses, or do cattle mutilations? There is no motivation for it that i can see where if there are UFO’s spotted above the cattle at night and then one of the cattle is mutilated with surgical precision in places all over the world begs the question. Why would the CIA be involved? Why why why what is the motivation I can’t see any at all. If it was another race or species interested in parts of various animals I could understand that.
They are all Americans- Meaning they all thrive on misinformation. From their president down to the American public.
The fact Greer is a bit of dork just adds to his credibility in my eyes. The disinformation agents are always these carefully selected rather generic cool guys.
I have a problem with anyone who says that they are right and everyone else is wrong. And let’s not forget that he charges people huge amounts of money for his “remote viewing” excursions.
why would a covert program harvest animal body parts in a strange way? why not just bread animals and harvest them in a normal way?? @dvlad, why don’t you have Luis Elizondo and him in the same room? invite doty too.
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