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UFO Investigator Chuck Zukowski and his crew follow up on multiple eyewitness testimonies by setting up a binary light signal deep in the woods.
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UFO Investigator Chuck Zukowski and his crew follow up on multiple eyewitness testimonies by setting up a binary light signal deep in the woods.
From season
After years and years goals by your testimony changes over time. Its just like if i saw a Bigfoot come out of the treeline of my back yard in Eastern Tennessee..your mind will want to make ppl believe it no matter what.
Yes, they’re (government) keeping the info away from the public. In 1994, while fishing in Key West, Florida, with my 8yo daughter and a friend, there was a huge flying saucer hovering above us. No windows or doors were visible, no sound coming from it, no motors, just lights that went around the ship, I counted 19 on the side we could see. After about 30 minutes, I got scared and asked them to pack up and go to the nearest hotel. All went well, but as we were entering the room, by telepathy, we were told, “Don’t hide, we know where you are.”
In 2015, while driving from Tampa to Naples, just as we were arriving home, we lost 45 minutes. We found ourselves 45 minutes past our home in an area we didn’t know. To this day, we still don’t know what happened and how we ended up there.
We’re definitely not alone, and they don’t want to harm us, or we’d be gone by now. Their technology is literally out of this world.