Using Psionic UFO Contact Methods to Summon an EGG UAP
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Using Psionic UFO Contact Methods to Summon an EGG UAP
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Its funny i always look towards Orion too , the sky is vast but thats where i look too ,can you tell me why you do ?
That place is amazing , footprints etc , fab to see
Hi I follow you saw the vids in Hessdalen. Really interesting. When u meditate do you ask your higher self to surround you with protection shield for any negative entities or situations. I would suggest you do if you don’t. Finding people realising now about UFOs being consciousness is another step. Some aren’t good tho so protect yourself.
You’re very fortunate to reside in a area of mystery & historically rich.
Love to document one of these adventures some time!
Thanks so much for going over all your equipment and explaining your process. Hope to get out there someday and try it for myself.
So brave, thank you Carl
So amazing wow wow!!! I’m so enjoying your content! I’m a believer in the Chris Bledsoe story it just somehow feels familiar almost like a knowing and it’s brought me such peace. I was do excited seeing the orb in this video, and so many people sharing their experiences so beautiful this is disclosure and it continues ❤
Awesome ❤❤❤