Japan, a nation known for its affinity towards cultural preservation and a steady rise in technological advancement, has surprised the world with its sudden development of one of the world’s biggest sixth-generation stealth fighter jets called the Mitsubishi or Godzilla F-X. How does this jet change the future of aerial combat? Could this cutting-edge technology trigger an arms race in Asia and globally?
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I love the way the presenter twists the facts at the start of the video: “The US was Forced to occupy Japan” is a little different from “the US forced military occupation on Japan” just as the US forced Military occupation on Germany and is still there today 80 years later.
There is a huge amount of pressure on Japan, from the US, for the Japanese to Re-arm, in anticipation for yet another engineered conflict; with China. This Japanese 6th generation Jet is in response to the Chinese J-30 & J-60, which likely had the japanese crapping their pants as the US pushes them into the Dragons teeth. As the US will sacrifice any of it’s allies to minimize their own casualties; Just as they are allowing to Fight to the last Ukrainian in Ukraine, after the US engineered the Ukraine civil war and the conflict with Russia.
The difference between the US lead Allies push to spend Hundreds of Billions on war and conflict compared to the Chinese lead BRICS+ alliance policies of spending Hundreds of Billions on Infrastructure and increase collaboration for expanded global Trade which will see huge returns on Investment over 100 to 200 years, rather than wasting Hundreds of Billions on increasing death & destruction, with massive debt, destabilization and poverty for the next 50-100 years.
Looks like Australia should be contacting Japan for our next purchase of fighter jets, not America.
Japan is NOT a Passafist country!!
They couldn’t buy the F-22 and were limited to F-35’s.
There is also a multi-billion dollar opportunity for Japan to sell this fighter to other countries.
Good jet figther Godcilla new engineof mitsubishi