Renowned military veterans and ufologists reveal hidden truths about UFO sightings, alien technology, and government cover-ups, with riveting accounts from Navy Commander Graham Bethune and Army Sergeant Major Robert Dean. This documentary movie explores secret military encounters, extraterrestrial collaborations, and the potential dangers alien interactions pose to humanity’s future.
2023 American Aliens UFO’s Mysteries Documentary Historical Movie
Director: Anthony T. Miles
Stars: Graham Bethune, Robert Dean, Charles Hall
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:34 Movie
02:25:16 N
More than 50% of people believe the US Gov. Is withholding NHI info.
The noise in the background blocks the voices turn it off please
Rich Dolan looks so young in this, so it can’t be new.
And yes, the ‘music’ is distracting.
What the hell is the music soooo loud for, I can’t even watch this
I believe that Dr Steven Greer who currently has a YouTube channel that goal is to educate enough of the people on the planet that it is very important that people take this seriously because right now the right government controls are not in control of the rogue government program that is using the technology recovered from the extraterrestrial craft that has been recovered. It can make a better future for everyone if the technology is let out free energy for everyone on the planet. Tell everyone you know and talk to your politicians we need to unite together.
I so one very big one over Miami early in the morning at daybreak 1975. 1000’s so this one. I was in the Air Force, and I know what airplanes look like, This was no Airplane.
I lived in Belgium 1969-2004 and never heard about UFO’s on the national TV news nor in the newspapers. How can you explain that?
Even the Macedonian army under Alexander 3 occasion before in gaging in war saw UFOs in the ancient times
Agree can’t understand them because of the background music
I believe perhaps the reptilians are breeding us as a food source just like we breed cattle we think we are at the top of the food chain but I do not believe that… just like all the races in the world some are very kind some are very cruel but I believe they are all governed by an overriding galactic Law but many break the law just as many countries break humanitarian law one of the most concise documentaries I have seen but like everybody else cut out that crappy music no need for drama the information is good