A new documentary, ‘The Age of Disclosure’ says the United States has been secretly working to capture UFOs and aliens for nearly 80 years.
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Keep reporting this we need the truth
Good to see new faces actually making some good reporting on this! Good for you Queen City News!
You are the aliens my friends. You are just a soul in an organic body suit.
“I’ve been flying for 40 yearshh.”Sho you she we have a real problemsh”
just like it for the warring earthling to shoot first and ask questions later… so they are trying to “capture” the aliens instead of make peaceful attempts at asylum? … is this like some kind of deportation effort but you instead take the equity away before you send them back over a fence? … it should be obvious to many… this so called “deep state” of greater equity stake holders use a military global capitalism, going over and under borders, to bring the equity to them… a real civilization would not be shooting at the aliens, or migrants or whatever… instead a peaceful society with sustainability potential would be trying to get them to land as friends or partners… then maybe there can be an exchange instead of “capture” ….. but the Earth is nothing but a bunch of warmongers, racists, misogynists, sexists, criminals, selfish, fattened, lazy, lacing merit, and full of pleasure seeking missile army men; and their masses of flag waving male followers dragging women and children to a hunt.. or hunter… to no doubt be eaten one day by the …
If Aliens are real and visiting us, we are incredibly lucky. They must be a much better species than humans are. Do we not realize how easy it would be to kill us off from space? All they have to do is introduce disease through the air and we’d fall quickly, without even knowing we were being attacked. We’d come up with something to fight it possibly, but an intelligent race, would know our limitations and give us something we could never fight. We’d already be long gone and they’d have this planet without any harm to themselves. If their here, we should honor them and not fear them at all. They don’t have to have our approval on anything.
reptilians crashed in vegas
Really lol we’ve captured craft over 75 years ago including ET’s. Not just one but several from different solar systems.
Americans will believe in religious fairytales, Magic, monsters, supernatural superstitions, devils and demons, 5 headed monsters, zombies, people who live to be several hundred years old, super powers, etc. without any evidence whatsoever and accept it all as fact. Meanwhile we have actual photos, witnesses, dozens of high ranking government officials claims, signals on several forms of radar, and decades worth of evidence of there being aliens ontop of old cave drawings and pyramid carvings yet people still won’t believe.